Earthquake Strikes Northwest Arkansas

Edit: The USGS has revised the earthquake epicenter 10 miles southwest of the original estimate. The new estimated epicenter was a couple of miles south of Centerton and a few miles north of the XNA airport. The earthquake was monitored at Hobbs State Park. Here is a map of the estimated epicenter of the earthquake.

After dozens of earthquakes in central Oklahoma over the past 6 months, and to a lesser extent in north central Arkansas with very weak earthquakes, an earthquake has now hit northwest Arkansas. At 10:52 am this morning a 2.5 magnitude earthquake centered between Bella Vista and Bentonville took place. The exact location were at the following coordinates 36.406°N, 94.246°W. Geologists have estimated that the earthquake took place about 3.1 miles below the earth’s surface. A magnitude 2.5 earthquake is right on the threshold of being felt by humans and animals alike. This morning the earthquake was felt by a few people in Siloam Springs, Gentry, Gravette, Rogers, Springdale, and Fayetteville. At this time there have been nearly 150 reports of the earthquake being felt in Centerton and Bentonville combined. There was one report of a couple of items falling off of a shelf near Bentonville, otherwise no damage was reported. Power flashes took place due to the quake throughout a portion of northwest Arkansas. The map of areas affected is below.

Ross Ellet

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7 Responses

  1. We felt the earthquake right on the line of Centerton/Bentonville. I wasn’t quite sure what it was. I had never felt an earthquake before.

  2. I live right on Moberly lane in Bentonville. We felt it, also shook me sideways that was my first experience of feeling an Earthquake.

  3. I was home and felt the April 29 earthquake……Now it’s May 20 and my boyfriend and I just felt, what we believe to be another earthquake. We live in Bella Vista, we heard
    it, the house shuddered and the windows rattled. Has there
    been confirmation of another earthquake? It was around 7PM today. Strange we have never experienced these before, now two in just a few weeks! We all need to give our loved ones, an extra big hug………

    • There was a 2.6 magnitude quake at 7:01 tonight. Here are the distances from the epicenter:
      3 km (2 miles) NW (307°) from Cave Springs, AR
      7 km (4 miles) ENE (68°) from Highfill, AR
      8 km (5 miles) SSE (157°) from Centerton, AR
      11 km (6 miles) WSW (249°) from Rogers, AR
      Drew Michaels

      • Thank You for the confirmation……..we thought it was, but we weren’t certain.

  4. I live in Rogers, but now i’m currently living in Chile. My first encounter with an earthquake was 1 week prior to the 8.8 earthquake. When the 8.8 came, I was in bed and I heard this really loud rumbling noise. So I decided to take no action, but when my bed started to shake and my windows were vibrating I knew that I needed to get outside the house. I started to go up the stairs in my house, but it was so hard to even keep balanced. So I went back to my room and waited the earthquake out. I never want to go through another one again. When I heard NWA had several earthquakes I was angry. I guess if that was your first earthquake it would be scary, but nothing is compared to the 8.8 earthquake on Feb. 27th at 3:34 in the mourning.

  5. we felt it in Siloam too, it waz my first earthquake so i waz under a table before it waz done(lasted about 3 seconds)

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